Amal Totkay

Muhammad Umair
3 min readDec 24, 2020

Public Speaking

Okay, Umair it’s now your turn to speak! My legs and hand shivering with anxiety and lack of self confidence, went to the stage and said “Hello”. I was completely lost what I said and what I did in front of many people.

Self Talk

It was never like I can’t do this but it was like how can I improve myself. How can I speak in front of people confidently. I knew I can improve but all I need was how.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

My friends asked me to talk in front of a mirror and take small initiatives. Also try to take part in debate and learn some skills how to engage with audience.

Create New Habits

I started reading books, watching some English movies because the more you listen the more it improve your speaking and the more you read the better you can write. It was sometimes boring and demotivating but I had to change and improve.

Ask People Help

This is what I did because being an introvert and having a small circle, I asked my few friends what should I do and they all keep on giving me some tasks and giving feedback. Feedback also made me cry sometimes because I tried very hard but it was still not enough

Fake It Till You Make It

I worked a lot on my skillset and later on I was always ready that I can speak easily in front of people and try to participate in debates. However sometime I wasn’t ready but still I try or show that I am ready.

This is what I received today

Spreading this idea

I shared this idea with my brother and he was struggling with writing proper English essays. I asked him to read books in the quarantine, I am glad to see that he is trying at least.


He understand the concept of growth mindset and always think that everything can be improved. He said “If I can improve myself so everyone can improve themselves and that’s how Pakistan can improve” He is just 13 years old.

Favorite tips

Create new habits

He started reading books and novels and some articles too. He asked me to bring him marketing books too.

He also started reading Mindset book

To develop a growth mindset you must accept change. Things take time but you can change always. There might be scenario where we can’t see any thing positive but we can take some important points or lessons from them.

