Fixing stuff around yourself

Muhammad Umair
2 min readDec 15, 2020

We all complain that people throw trash on road and no one cleans it. We all complain government for many things but ignoring that there are many thing we have to fix ourselves at home.

The room where I study during online classes, this room also have my clothing brand (Dolpharel) stock. This room is not just a room where I study but this room have Tv here too. The room was so messy and there was no place to sit properly. So it was necessary to clean the room.

My mom daily asked me Umair keep your thing properly but as I have to display it to the customer and to take proper pictures. I sometimes feel lazy to put it back in a proper way. So today I did what I was not doing from past 2 weeks.

Finally, I packed up my bags and keep books inside. Also I have packed all my stock properly too.

It was so tiring job as it took me almost an hour to clean the whole room. the room seems so perfect and clean. My mother is really happy to see the clean room and she asked me not to make mess again.

I would have done this task even if not required in the course, and it would take me the same time as it was completely messed up. I took 4 polythene bags to put my things into it.

I takes intra leadership as I have to motivate myself to do the task. My father always says take care of the things as they are your even if they are not yours.

