Positive Reflections

Muhammad Umair
2 min readFeb 13, 2021

“No one is perfect — that’s why pencils have erasers.”

Life is always about learning. We all make mistakes almost everyday in our daily life. (Even I will be pressing backspace key while writing this blog). It is always about how we learn and go through with the mistakes we made. It’s ok if you make mistakes and that what makes you a human.

It always start from your mindset. I joined Amal Academy because of the inferior complexity I faced in my university as many of my classmates were having some great leadership, communication, teamworking skills and most of them are getting internships easily while I was only being rejected.

Amal Academy helped me a lot. The most impactful activity for me was mock interviews and preparation for mock interviews. I learned how to improve my resume and what should I be doing to go extra mile. I used to think that I was doing my best in the interview but now I realized that I was actually not performing well. I was constantly going with fixed mindset and was not improving myself. I am now more confident than I was ever before and people around me figures out improvement as well.

Also I used Pomodoro technique during my final exams that I learned at Amal Academy and it was really helpful. My overall journey at Amal Academy was wonderful and it has developed me into the person I never expected to be.

